Weber Automotive, Inc. 28820 Lorain Rd.
M-Th 8am-5:30pm, F 8am-5pm
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Air conditioning & heating

There is nothing worse than driving in a hot car on a summer day with no air conditioning, or no heat on a freezing winter morning! We will provide an Inspection of the HVAC system to find the exact cause of the problem. We will also inspect all air conditioning-related components for leaks or damage.  A check for proper operation of the air conditioning compressor and other components prior to service will be performed, as well as testing lines, hoses, seals and other system components for leaks.

Heating System Repairs

Heating system repairs may stem from mechanical and electrical issues. Stains under the passenger side of the dashboard are indicators of coolant leaks, which may be the result of a corroded heater core or cracks in the heater hoses. Sometimes the culprit of heater system problems is hard to pinpoint, which is why a heating system diagnostic may be necessary. During our heating system diagnostic, our service staff may inspect the heater core, blower motor, heater control valve, water pump, thermostat, and other components. We may also check your coolant levels, inspect your heater control valves, or troubleshoot your blower motor. By the end of a heating system diagnosis and repair, our ASE Certified mechanics will have isolated the heating system issue, repaired the component, and restored full functionality to the heating system.

Air Conditioning Repairs

Our ASE Certified mechanics are experts in repairing any issue with your vehicles air conditioning. Some of the necessary steps include:

  • Reclaim the refrigerant in the system (if there is any left)
  • Remove the components that need to be replaced
  • Visually inspect the rest of the system for evidence of leaks or other damage
  • Clean (flush) the entire A/C system to ensure debris and dirty oil are removed. (Some condensers cannot be properly flushed and need to be replaced)
  • Replace the components that were removed in step 2
  • Vacuum the system to eliminate air and moisture.
  • Charge the system with the correct type and amount of refrigerant and oil for the application
  • Run and test the system
  • Burnish the new A/C compressor clutch by cycling on and off 20-25 times
Cool Down Without A Sweat

One of the most common causes of poor air conditioner performance is low refrigerant. The first step will be to find out WHY the refrigerant is low, and give you a cost-effective quote to make the repair.  We carry the equipment necessary to re-charge your vehicle’s system to get it cooling for you again.

We have all the necessary test equipment as well as the experience required to fix your air conditioning correctly the first time! 

Don’t wait until it’s a sweltering day, call us for you’re A/C inspection today!

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